Small Miracles

I am a day late (again!) writing my blog but I had a good reason this time.  On Sunday morning at 6:15 am, I got a text from a friend saying she lost power.  As I read it, I lost mine.  I looked outside and saw that my tree in the front yard had totally … Read more

Go Fish and Other Ways to Prevent Burnout

I met the fisherman again this past weekend and I learned more about his life.  He retired at 43 years old from the service because his father was very ill.  I asked him what he did after his father passed away and he replied that he went fishing around the world.  He has fished in … Read more

A is for Accountability

Recently I was accused by a friend that I had “ruined their day”.  I admit that I said some things that although factual were also unpleasant because I was hurt by some of his actions (I admit that I did not apply the “You Versus I” concepts that I wrote about in one of my … Read more

Color Your World to Open Your Mind

Last week I had the pleasure of speaking to members of New Canaan Cats, a career transition group.  The topic of my workshop was “Color Your Mind to a New Way of Thinking About Your Job Search”.  (Long title but fun and informative night, not just for them, but for me as well.)   Everyone … Read more

Are You A Negative Nancy or Ned?

I recently asked my readers for ideas for my blog and a college friend gave me a good suggestion.  He usually listens to the radio on the way into work which he has always enjoyed.  Lately, however, he finds that the news is all so negative that it puts him in a bad mood which … Read more

Business Tips I Learned from a Fisherman

While walking early in the morning on the beach this weekend, I met a fisherman fishing in the water.  He told me that when he was a child, he had rheumatic fever so could not participate in sports but was able to fish.  Now in his 70’s, he tries to go to the beach every … Read more

Pain – Not Always A Bad 4 Letter Word

This past weekend I woke up during the night and could not move without experiencing severe pain in my back.  It felt like someone stabbed me in my right shoulder blade which spread to my neck and arms.  I had never felt pain like this ever before. For this reason, I am keeping this week’s … Read more

Time for Two – Building Better Business Relationships

While on vacation, I had dinner with another couple who have been married for over 50 years. Their life journey together has included having a child, adopting another one, illnesses, grandchildren, and other joys and sorrows along the way.  What intrigued me about their marriage is that they appear to be very different people, however, … Read more

Stars & Stripes – A Need for Rewards

I am on vacation while writing this week’s blog.  I decided that this would be a good time to talk about stars.  Not the ones you are thinking of during this holiday but the ones you received when you were a child when you did well on a test or project.  Do you remember how … Read more

You Versus I

I had a wonderful dinner the other night with a couple that have been married for fifty years.  They have raised four children and are still very active.  They help with their grandchildren, assist at their daughter’s yoga studio, and manage a thriving business.  One of them has even written a book. I wanted to … Read more