Why Leaders Must Be Visionaries

It is important for an effective leader to be a visionary and possess a form of x-ray vision.  This can be very challenging in the work environment that exists in today’s world, so a leader must seek out others to provide suggestions and ideas to them. It seems though that there are two types of … Read more

What Type of Negotiator are You?

Negotiation is a skill that almost everyone uses in their daily lives.  For leaders, negotiation is critical to move a business forward and achieve significant profit growth. Negotiations are not only with vendors and customers but also occur internally with employees, regarding promotions, raises, time off, and project assignments. What types of negotiators are there?  … Read more

What’s In Your “Rolodex”

“Rolodex” may be a dated word but regardless if you use it or a contact database, it is important to use it correctly. How often do you comb through your contacts and reach out to people you haven’t spoken to in a while? Do you ever weed people out? Do you ever spend the time … Read more

Learning From Our Mistakes is Part of the Journey

We live in a world where people who make mistakes are usually frowned upon. However some of the greatest inventions were created because someone did something wrong. Considering computers can pretty much do anything for us, we tend to forget that we are not made of bits and bytes, but we have blood, bones, and … Read more

Give Yourself the Gifts of Time and Gratitude

Everyone I know says they are busy.  They are busy with work, kids, volunteering, and other activities. Most are very stressed out and have problems sleeping because of all that is on their minds. Then they are tired the next day, have more to do and then can’t sleep that night so the cycle begins … Read more

National Ball Point Pen Day – June 10

Our new blog series will be monthly and it will be tied into one of the national holidays.  Be aware that these are not your typical holidays but ones, nevertheless, which are celebrated every year.  As an example, today is National Ball Point Pen Day. The ballpoint pen was invented in 1943 and is considered … Read more

Three’s A Crowd

As I end my A, B, C and 1, 2, 3 effective leadership for women blog series, I want to discuss my biggest pet peeves when I attend conferences.  I realize women seem to always go to the ladies room in pairs, but why do they have to cluster and stay glued to each other’s … Read more

B is for Bold, Brazen…Biotchy?

Teaching on a college campus, I have witnessed such amazing young women really make an impact.  They not only participate in class with interesting comments but they also handle themselves well in presentations even to very senior business leaders.  They exude a youthful exuberance coupled with the confidence that they can do anything their passions … Read more