Stars & Stripes – A Need for Rewards

I am on vacation while writing this week’s blog.  I decided that this would be a good time to talk about stars.  Not the ones you are thinking of during this holiday but the ones you received when you were a child when you did well on a test or project.  Do you remember how … Read more

You Versus I

I had a wonderful dinner the other night with a couple that have been married for fifty years.  They have raised four children and are still very active.  They help with their grandchildren, assist at their daughter’s yoga studio, and manage a thriving business.  One of them has even written a book. I wanted to … Read more

Put One Foot In Front of the Other

I had the opportunity to watch a triathlon over the weekend.  The two men that I knew had to swim over 1/2 mile, bike 25 miles, and run 6 miles.  I can barely do the the running part much less the rest of it but 730 people thought they could handle it.  Bravo to all … Read more

Mirror, mirror…

When looking at ourselves in the mirror on the wall, do we ever really see the whole picture?  Are we ever the fairest one of all?  Considering this is my first blog (ever!) for my new web-site, I really had to make myself “see” what I truly am in order to represent myself the right … Read more