The Importance of Time Management for Leaders

Needless to say, there are many duties that a leader has to manage which includes overseeing the staff’s activities.  Priorities will shift as things come up but when one is leading an organization there may be too many urgencies and not enough time. Juggling starts to occur but is this the best use of a … Read more

How To Be An Effective Influencer

A leader that is influential versus controlling and/or authoritative is much more effective.  By influencing others to achieve an objective, a leader is empowering them which is much more productive and beneficial to an organization in the long run. Influencing others is not easy. So how to does one do it?  In most cases, trying … Read more

The Importance of Failing Forward

Failing forward, or learning from what went wrong, is a critical component of having a successful career and being an effective leader.  Becoming better from your mistakes, rather than spending all your time focusing on covering them up or defending them, is the key here. As a leader, one must strive to develop a growth … Read more

What’s In Your “Rolodex”

“Rolodex” may be a dated word but regardless if you use it or a contact database, it is important to use it correctly. How often do you comb through your contacts and reach out to people you haven’t spoken to in a while? Do you ever weed people out? Do you ever spend the time … Read more

Learning From Our Mistakes is Part of the Journey

We live in a world where people who make mistakes are usually frowned upon. However some of the greatest inventions were created because someone did something wrong. Considering computers can pretty much do anything for us, we tend to forget that we are not made of bits and bytes, but we have blood, bones, and … Read more

National Ball Point Pen Day – June 10

Our new blog series will be monthly and it will be tied into one of the national holidays.  Be aware that these are not your typical holidays but ones, nevertheless, which are celebrated every year.  As an example, today is National Ball Point Pen Day. The ballpoint pen was invented in 1943 and is considered … Read more

ABC’s of Team Building – W is for Wonder

If you looked at a list of the major corporations from five years ago and now you will notice a big change.  Companies that many of us grew up with (i.e. Kraft, etc.) are gone from the list and others known as disruptors are on it (i.e. AirBnb).  How do these companies grow so quickly … Read more

ABC’s of Team Building – S is for Sunk Cost

A sunk cost is one that has already happened and cannot be recouped.  The sunk cost effect can occur when people escalate their commitment to a course of action in which they have made substantial prior investments of time, money, energy, or other resources, even though it clearly isn’t working.  Since people typically want to … Read more

ABC's of Team Building – Q is for Quality and Qualified

I think most would agree that they want to work for a quality organization, alongside those who have the skills, emotional intelligence, etc. to get their jobs done well.  Unfortunately, this is not always the case.  Usually teams are put together based off of other factors including seniority, politics, and technical ability.  This causes major … Read more