ABC’s of Team Building – P is for Psychological Safety

Psychological safety is a belief among members of a team that each person can speak his or her own mind and make creative suggestions without being fearful of being shamed or even losing his or her job.  In this type of environment, each team member feels respected, accepted, and a valued part of the group.  … Read more

ABC’s of Team Building – N is for Negativity

Who are the five people you spend the most time with?  Most people when I ask this question in my presentations say family, best friend, coworkers, and boss.  Then I tell them they are all wrong.  The person you spend the most time with is yourself.  So, if you are spending all this time with … Read more

ABC’s of Team Building – M is for Mindset

We live in a world where there is so much information thrown at us that one would think that everyone would open their minds to different possibilities, however, this is not the case.  Instead it appears that the more data we gather, the more some people retrench and stay true to what they believe.  It … Read more

ABC’s of Team Building – L is for Listen and Learn

In a team setting or frankly in any relationship, one of the biggest problems is communication.  For a world where there are so many ways to communicate, we are actually pretty bad at it.  When we are in a dialogue with a colleague, family member, or friend, are we really listening to what is being … Read more

ABC’s of Team Building – K is for Killer Words

Can’t, won’t, don’t, and never are words that we may not realize but when used improperly in a team setting can really bring down the morale of the group.  It is easy to see things negatively because it has actually been proven that as humans we gravitate to bad news or actions versus the positive.  … Read more

ABC’s of Team Building – J is for Judgemental

When you pass someone on the street or in a store, do you think about who that person is?  By their clothes, body language, and even what they are purchasing or bags they are carrying, do you make a decision regarding that person’s socioeconomic status or other ways to distinguish them?  We actually judge people … Read more

ABC’s of Team Building – E is for Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EI and also known as EQ) is defined as the ability to identify, comprehend, and manage our emotions.   This is challenging for leaders who are trying to ascertain each team member’s emotional intelligence because EQ will affect one’s behaviors which in turn impacts other people on the team. It is usually easier to … Read more

ABC’s of Team Building – D is for Deviant

Although this word could be interpreted as a bad thing when it comes to a team, it is actually beneficial to have a deviant amongst the members.  A deviant is the person that “departs from the norm”.  In other words, this individual plays a devil’s advocate by questioning and/or challenging other members of the team … Read more

8 Ball

The definition of an 8 ball is “being stuck in a hard, unfavorable or uncomfortable position.”  During our careers, most people feel at one point or another that they are in a difficult position either with their boss, coworkers, clients, or even their subordinates.  By not communicating effectively, the situation can escalate and be a … Read more

Two for Tea

Drinking tea with others is a ritual in many countries.  Surprisingly, Turkey and Morocco consume more tea than countries we would normally think of, like England.  For some there is a protocol on how it should be prepared and drunk, and some may even make it more ceremonial. The bigger issue is that it is … Read more