How to Turn Fear of Failure into Success

Eleanor Roosevelt once said “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face… You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”  Easier said than done many people may think, regardless that it may bring them more money, joy, or peace of mind. … Read more

So It Just Didn’t Happen

You may not believe in making New Year’s Resolutions but with all that is going on in the world maybe you thought it would be a good idea to try something different this year, so you set a few goals for yourself. As the month of January is starting to end, you realize that…   … Read more

ABCs of Your Career Journey – Z is for Zip Line

When we reach the end of a journey, some people feel very Zen-like and calm while others are full of excitement.  The latter group is already planning their next big event even before they finish the last few moments of the current one they are experiencing.  I want to suggest that for once try to … Read more

ABCs of Your Career Journey – Y is for Yesterday

When we look back on our lives, do you find yourself regretting that you did not come as far in your career journey as you had hoped by now?  You can convince yourself that there were external factors that hindered your journey but how many times can we play victim and not just accept that … Read more

ABCs of Your Career Journey – X is for Xany

Regardless of how you embark on your career journey, you have to be in the right frame of mind to be able to fully enjoy the experience.  In addition, you need to have a lot of energy to be able to sustain the momentum of trying new things and also when dealing with roadblocks. For … Read more

ABCs of Your Career Journey – W is for Wanderlust

Many times we just want to take the most direct route to our destination.  We have no desire to veer off the main road and take in new sights.  We are so focused on where we are heading, and maybe what time we are to arrive, that we don’t pay any attention to the signs, … Read more

ABCs of Your Career Journey – V is for Vulnerability

It takes courage to be vulnerable especially in the workplace!  It can be very difficult and stressful to be “seen” by others when faced with challenging issues.  By exposing ourselves to others to voice our opinion, we open ourselves up to possible ridicule.  HOWEVER more importantly it can open the door to innovation and willingness … Read more

ABCs of Your Career Journey – U is for Unleash

How often do you completely let go?  In other words, when was the last time you just stopped running on that hamster wheel of life and took a real break from the action?  It is important to take time-outs periodically in order to have the opportunity to unleash your inner self.  This is not just … Read more

ABCs of Your Career Journey – T is for Tribe

Your career journey is not just about the path you set out for yourself but also for the people who you interact with along the way.  The issue is that many people think this is a solo adventure but the most successful people realize that their “tribe” is extremely important for them to advance in … Read more