Everyone Can Use a Coach

  If you were involved in a sport as a child, you probably had one or two coaches working with you.  They did not physically move your arms and legs but they still assisted you in how to improve in your sport, even if it was throwing a ball, running around a track or swimming … Read more

Your Company Brand – Define It, Market It and Know How to Negotiate With It

Do you feel that others don’t have a clear understanding of what your company’s attributes are, the value proposition, and what other amenities your company could offer a potential client to distinguish your company from the competition?  Do you stumble over your pitch or have trouble advertising because you have not clearly defined your company’s … Read more

Social Media Personality Types

Ever wonder what your social media personality type is?  How is relates to the DISC assessment and Myers-Briggs (MBTI)?  Today I will be on the Linkedin Lady radio show to discuss this and more.  http://rockstarradionetwork.com/show/thelinkedinladyshow

Workforce Burnout

I was just published in the Huffington Post on this timely and scary dilemma corporations are facing. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/beth-carter/workforce-burnout-a_b_2923818.html

This weekend will mark the 21st anniversary of my first company, Carter Consultants Ltd., an executive search and research firm.  For that website, I write an article quarterly that is promoted on that front page that mostly deals with recruiting issues. When I launched Beth Carter Enterprises, my coaching and speaking company, in June 2011, … Read more

The Power of Your Profile

I will be interviewed at 4 pm today on The Linkedin Radio Show regarding this topic.  www.rockstarradionetwork.com.