Other People’s Opinions

As I have written in several past blog posts, it is important to seek feedback so that you know if you are improving in certain areas of your life, especially professionally.  Having said that, I recently saw a quote that said, “What other people think about you has nothing to do with you and everything … Read more

I’m Tired of Repeating Myself

I have been thinking lately that more and more people are hard of hearing, maybe due to listening to loud music or noise pollution.  However, I realized that the real issue is that many people just are not listening. In fairness, educators especially in elementary, middle, and high school focus on what used to be … Read more


As a corporate trainer and an adjunct professor, one of the things I stress is applying what you learn. I tell my participants/students that if they “throw their notes up on a shelf and never look at them,” then it has been a waste of time – both theirs and mine. I then suggest that … Read more

Let It Go!

I am currently reading Jack: Straight From The Gut which is the autobiography of Jack Welch, the former CEO of General Electric.  When he became CEO, Jack had a philosophy that if any of their 40+ businesses were not #1 or #2 in that industry then they must either be “fixed, sold, or closed”. The … Read more

Stressed Desserts

According to the American Psychological Association, around three-quarters of adults (76%) said they have experienced health impacts due to stress in the prior month, including headache (38%), fatigue (35%), feeling nervous or anxious (34%), and/or feeling depressed or sad (33%). There are many reasons that people feel stressed but what should leaders do about this? … Read more

Leaders Need to Invest in “Tea Time”

Many people, no matter what age or gender, tell me that they hate networking.  Yes, it does seem like work at times but the bigger issue for most people seems to be striking up a conversation with a stranger. Some also feel that it is a waste of time because it really doesn’t lead to … Read more

Being Acutely Aware Leads to Success

I have been having some interesting conversations lately with women who come from all walks of life – different generations, locations, nationalities, students, executives, etc.  Through these talks, I have become aware of a few things that seem to be holding women back. Some of it may be a “sign of the times” but other … Read more

Do You Have a Zest for Life?

The best leaders have a zest for life.  It is not just with business, but in all facets of their lives including family, volunteering, friends, hobbies, exercise, spiritual, etc. They appreciate all they have and show that gratitude in numerous ways. They also serve as role models for their employees as well as others including … Read more

How to Get Your Employees to Yearn for More

How does a leader motivate their team or entire organization to yearn for more by taking on challenges with the idea that all of their efforts will end up with positive results?  How does a leader keep others engaged when the initiative has many pieces and will take a long time to complete?  To start, … Read more

How Transparent are You in Your Workplace?

In today’s workplace, employees want to have their leaders be transparent.  In the old days, the “executive floor” had always been a place where decisions were made and it was assumed everyone would accept these “surprises.”   Employees today want to work in an organization where leaders are proactive in sharing what direction the company is … Read more