How Sustainable is Your Company?

Sustainability is challenging for most businesses because of several factors – competitors, the economy, and changes in the overall market landscape.  A business that has been around for years may now find itself struggling to survive. An interesting article by Mark Perry of The American Enterprise Institute (AEI) analyzes the list of Fortune 500 companies … Read more

Patience is a Virtue Even for Leaders

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, was quoted as saying “Patience is a virtue, and I’m learning patience. It’s a tough lesson.”  In today’s fast-paced, ever-changing world, it is becoming increasingly difficult to be patient, but the better leaders know that to succeed, you must be patient in most cases. As an example, when introducing a … Read more

Why Great Leaders Spend Time Every Day Learning

A leader’s mission is to direct and motivate an organization so it can achieve profitability.  Although this seems like a simple statement the reality as we know is much more complicated. A leader needs to oversee a maze of issues while staying ahead of their competitors. On top of it, one bad move and it … Read more

Does Company Loyalty Exist Anymore?

The definition of company loyalty has certainly changed over the years. Gone are the days when an employee would stay with one company for thirty years, especially since that’s what employers valued back then. Even staying with one company for ten years is becoming a thing of the past. Now it seems like the longer … Read more

The Importance of Failing Forward

Failing forward, or learning from what went wrong, is a critical component of having a successful career and being an effective leader.  Becoming better from your mistakes, rather than spending all your time focusing on covering them up or defending them, is the key here. As a leader, one must strive to develop a growth … Read more

How to Embrace the Gray Areas in Life

Do you consider yourself a black and white type person?  Do you see the world in absolutes with no gray areas?  Do you take the high road or the low road but don’t see yourself in the middle?  Do you get very uncomfortable when things are not crystal clear? It is difficult to chart a … Read more

Learning From Our Mistakes is Part of the Journey

We live in a world where people who make mistakes are usually frowned upon. However some of the greatest inventions were created because someone did something wrong. Considering computers can pretty much do anything for us, we tend to forget that we are not made of bits and bytes, but we have blood, bones, and … Read more

Dare Yourself to Overcome Complacency

When I think of the word “dare”… the first thought that comes to my mind is the childhood game, Truth or Dare. In that game, if you ended up taking the dare, it usually meant you had to do something unappealing like eat dirt or kiss a boy (which was a big EWW back then). … Read more

So It Just Didn’t Happen

You may not believe in making New Year’s Resolutions but with all that is going on in the world maybe you thought it would be a good idea to try something different this year, so you set a few goals for yourself. As the month of January is starting to end, you realize that…   … Read more

ABCs of Your Career Journey – Y is for Yesterday

When we look back on our lives, do you find yourself regretting that you did not come as far in your career journey as you had hoped by now?  You can convince yourself that there were external factors that hindered your journey but how many times can we play victim and not just accept that … Read more