Respect, Reflect, and Reject

As we know, there are many stubborn people in this world.  At times, I admit I can be stubborn as well; however, I realized over time that my stubbornness was holding me back. In other words, I was missing out on things because I was so set on doing it one way only. I also … Read more

How Do You Get Over Failure?

I recently read the NY Times best seller, Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, by Gabrielle Zevin.  The key characters in the story are gamers who create video games, but the main focus of the book is on the relationship they have with each other. The important point I got out of this 400-page book was … Read more

Pack Your Lunch Box

As the summer begins to fade, the school year is just about to start.  This is a great time of year to think like a student; thoughts like “what am I going to learn?”, “what will my teacher/professor be like?”, and “what other goals do I have for the new school year?”  Although Hallmark, etc. … Read more

The Blog That Wasn’t Meant To Be

This past week I was on vacation so I decided I would skip a week writing my blog.  The vacation really started on Tuesday when I traveled to North Conway, NH. My best friend was supposed to originally meet me there around the same time but her dog was sick, so she had to take … Read more

The Evolving Authentic Self

I was watching a Netflix series about three women from the South whose friendship started in grade school.  They have always been there for each other during monumental as well as difficult times. At this point though they’re struggling because they have always been supportive of each other but now it’s not working because each … Read more

When Can an Employee Become a Manager?

I am a foodie so I watch a lot of cooking shows.  One show is a competition amongst private chefs and those who either own a restaurant or work at one. Some of the challenges consist of the group being broken into two teams and a team leader is designated. This is extremely difficult for … Read more

Stressed Desserts

According to the American Psychological Association, around three-quarters of adults (76%) said they have experienced health impacts due to stress in the prior month, including headache (38%), fatigue (35%), feeling nervous or anxious (34%), and/or feeling depressed or sad (33%). There are many reasons that people feel stressed but what should leaders do about this? … Read more

My Pet Peeves – Reply All and Ghosting

Many of us, especially me, can’t stand when someone sends an email to a bunch of people and everyone hits “Reply All.”  Not only does it clog up everyone’s inbox, but it also takes valuable time to read them when maybe one person replies with something useful for the whole group. For me, I try … Read more

When Was Your Last Turning Point?

Recently I have been working with a client on their performance management system. Like my client, many companies are abandoning the annual review because it is not effective in motivating employees. It is very hard to discuss a year’s worth of work in a one- or two-hour discussion and come away with an impactful outcome. … Read more

What is Your Window of Tolerance?

As we are fully aware, there are many stressors in our lives, both personally and professionally.  It amazes me how some people handle these stressors extremely well while others are always on the verge of having a meltdown. Is it harder to remain sane when we are confronting so many more changes and challenges than … Read more