How to Add Spice to the “Ingredients in Your Life”

Jambalaya is a Louisiana Creole dish of Spanish and French influence.  It is not only a fun word to say but is delicious too! Most jambalaya recipes call for either a fish and a protein or two proteins like sausage and chicken. However you make it, jambalaya is a real comfort food. Most of the … Read more

The Importance of Investing in Relationships

My father was a banker on Wall Street so my brother and I were taught to save our money in order to invest in our future.  By following his advice, I was able to travel to 13 countries in Europe after graduating from college, buy a car, and later buy a house. After I had … Read more

Learning From Our Mistakes is Part of the Journey

We live in a world where people who make mistakes are usually frowned upon. However some of the greatest inventions were created because someone did something wrong. Considering computers can pretty much do anything for us, we tend to forget that we are not made of bits and bytes, but we have blood, bones, and … Read more

Give Yourself the Gifts of Time and Gratitude

Everyone I know says they are busy.  They are busy with work, kids, volunteering, and other activities. Most are very stressed out and have problems sleeping because of all that is on their minds. Then they are tired the next day, have more to do and then can’t sleep that night so the cycle begins … Read more

How to Turn Fear of Failure into Success

Eleanor Roosevelt once said “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face… You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”  Easier said than done many people may think, regardless that it may bring them more money, joy, or peace of mind. … Read more

The Importance of Effective Engagement

Recently my alma mater changed the name of their Alumni Relations department to Alumni Engagement, which supposedly other universities are doing as well. I thought this was a good idea because engaging someone is very different from relating to someone. The major difference is that you may feel there are commonalities with you and someone … Read more

Dare Yourself to Overcome Complacency

When I think of the word “dare”… the first thought that comes to my mind is the childhood game, Truth or Dare. In that game, if you ended up taking the dare, it usually meant you had to do something unappealing like eat dirt or kiss a boy (which was a big EWW back then). … Read more

So It Just Didn’t Happen

You may not believe in making New Year’s Resolutions but with all that is going on in the world maybe you thought it would be a good idea to try something different this year, so you set a few goals for yourself. As the month of January is starting to end, you realize that…   … Read more

How Do I Want to Be Perceived in the New Year?

When a new year starts, it is a time for self-reflection and rebirth.  With that it is important to reflect not only on our successes and failures but also how we reacted to certain events and how our actions were perceived by others.  In other words, we need to be cognizant of our executive presence. … Read more