ABC’s of Team Building – V is for Visualization

There have been various studies that state that if you write your goals down on paper, you have a better likelihood of achieving them.  Some even go further and suggest that if you have a picture of some sort (photo, painting, etc.) that you have an even greater chance of reaching your goals.  If that … Read more

ABC’s of Team Building – U is for Uniqueness

A major issue in teams is that not everyone’s unique ability is recognized, or if it is, it is not necessarily utilized.  Sometimes it is not an ability that one would think could be used in a professional setting, but in reality, many of our unique abilities can be beneficial in multiple ways.  As an … Read more

ABC’s of Team Building – T is for Talk

Originally, I planned on blogging about Transition as in teams in transition either due to a new boss, restructuring, or new team members joining the group.  Instead I want to focus on Talk in that there is too much talk going on.  I have witnessed especially this past year that many people are doing a … Read more

Team Building

Beth will present Team Building on 1/10/19 to a Healthcare Organization.

ABC’s of Team Building – S is for Sunk Cost

A sunk cost is one that has already happened and cannot be recouped.  The sunk cost effect can occur when people escalate their commitment to a course of action in which they have made substantial prior investments of time, money, energy, or other resources, even though it clearly isn’t working.  Since people typically want to … Read more

ABC’s of Team Building – R is for Recency Effect

The definition of recency effect is that “individuals tend to overemphasize information and evidence that is readily available when making judgments and choices”.  Fortunately or unfortunately there is so much information available to us that we tend to value what comes up first on Google searches and/or rely on recent past events as our guide … Read more

ABC's of Team Building – Q is for Quality and Qualified

I think most would agree that they want to work for a quality organization, alongside those who have the skills, emotional intelligence, etc. to get their jobs done well.  Unfortunately, this is not always the case.  Usually teams are put together based off of other factors including seniority, politics, and technical ability.  This causes major … Read more

Customer Service

Beth presented a Customer Service workshop to the Center for Women & Enterprise on November 26, 2018.