The Blog That Wasn’t Meant To Be

This past week I was on vacation so I decided I would skip a week writing my blog.  The vacation really started on Tuesday when I traveled to North Conway, NH. My best friend was supposed to originally meet me there around the same time but her dog was sick, so she had to take … Read more

Life Learning is the Key to Success

When we were children, we had lessons on a variety of different topics including math, history, science, and English.  Depending on what kind of student you were, you may have preferred some subjects over others and excelled in areas that you never thought possible. As we get older, we may think that we don’t have … Read more

Learning From Our Mistakes is Part of the Journey

We live in a world where people who make mistakes are usually frowned upon. However some of the greatest inventions were created because someone did something wrong. Considering computers can pretty much do anything for us, we tend to forget that we are not made of bits and bytes, but we have blood, bones, and … Read more

Give Yourself the Gifts of Time and Gratitude

Everyone I know says they are busy.  They are busy with work, kids, volunteering, and other activities. Most are very stressed out and have problems sleeping because of all that is on their minds. Then they are tired the next day, have more to do and then can’t sleep that night so the cycle begins … Read more

I Won in 2021!

There are many lessons learned after dealing with the pandemic as well as all the other issues we faced in 2020.  Many people also experienced a range of emotions – some they may have never dealt with before.  Throughout it though, we needed to believe (and continue to believe) that we will overcome all of … Read more

Three’s A Crowd

As I end my A, B, C and 1, 2, 3 effective leadership for women blog series, I want to discuss my biggest pet peeves when I attend conferences.  I realize women seem to always go to the ladies room in pairs, but why do they have to cluster and stay glued to each other’s … Read more

B is for Bold, Brazen…Biotchy?

Teaching on a college campus, I have witnessed such amazing young women really make an impact.  They not only participate in class with interesting comments but they also handle themselves well in presentations even to very senior business leaders.  They exude a youthful exuberance coupled with the confidence that they can do anything their passions … Read more

Ten Fingers, Ten Toes

Once our parents see our ten fingers and ten toes at birth, they usually breathe a sigh of relief that we have all our necessary body parts.  As we go through life, we probably do not give much thought to these digits and toes until one gets broken or sprained.  In other words, we take … Read more