Greener Grass or Not?

The Roman poet, Ovid, wrote: “…the harvest is always more fruitful in another man’s field.” The proverb the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence is often shortened to simply: the grass is always greener. So how often do we envy what others are doing? Do we always think things, jobs, status, etc. … Read more

Let It Go!

I am currently reading Jack: Straight From The Gut which is the autobiography of Jack Welch, the former CEO of General Electric.  When he became CEO, Jack had a philosophy that if any of their 40+ businesses were not #1 or #2 in that industry then they must either be “fixed, sold, or closed”. The … Read more

What is Self-Discipline?

According to, the definition of self-discipline is the ability to control one’s feelings and overcome one’s weaknesses; the ability to pursue what one thinks is right despite temptations to abandon it.  So why this is so difficult? The most common reason is that we tend to run away from the hard, and maybe even uncomfortable, things and focus on … Read more

Respect, Reflect, and Reject

As we know, there are many stubborn people in this world.  At times, I admit I can be stubborn as well; however, I realized over time that my stubbornness was holding me back. In other words, I was missing out on things because I was so set on doing it one way only. I also … Read more

How Do You Get Over Failure?

I recently read the NY Times best seller, Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, by Gabrielle Zevin.  The key characters in the story are gamers who create video games, but the main focus of the book is on the relationship they have with each other. The important point I got out of this 400-page book was … Read more

Pack Your Lunch Box

As the summer begins to fade, the school year is just about to start.  This is a great time of year to think like a student; thoughts like “what am I going to learn?”, “what will my teacher/professor be like?”, and “what other goals do I have for the new school year?”  Although Hallmark, etc. … Read more

The Evolving Authentic Self

I was watching a Netflix series about three women from the South whose friendship started in grade school.  They have always been there for each other during monumental as well as difficult times. At this point though they’re struggling because they have always been supportive of each other but now it’s not working because each … Read more

Common Courtesy – Does It Still Exist in the Workplace?

Recently our firm had a potential candidate for an executive search assignment that we were conducting for a Northeast client. It took a few days for her to send the resume and then a phone interview was scheduled. Her information was then sent to the search firm we were working with and they briefly spoke. … Read more

Training is the Key to Employee Engagement

Before 2023 started, I read an article that stated “hiring, retention, and employee experience will be the top issues for HR professionals heading into the new year.” This quote was from Jay Campbell and David Witt who had reviewed the early results from The Ken Blanchard Companies® recent trend survey that involved more than 700 … Read more

The Power of Acknowledgement

When was the last time you received a compliment? More importantly, when was the last time you complimented someone else? High fiving a colleague, subordinate, friend, or family member and then saying “good job” does not really do much. Yes, you acknowledged that they did something great but there is a much better way to … Read more