Be Bold!

If you think about true leaders, whether they are in a big or small company, in a service or product industry, one key attribute they must possess is being bold.  The leader does not have to be loud or overly demonstrative but must come across that they are the one who is directing their organization. … Read more

Self Awareness is an Essential Element of EQ for Leaders

Before one can become a leader, it is imperative to be aware of one’s own self.  Too many leaders are not aware of how they behave and then are surprised when their interactions and relationships with others are not as fruitful as they can be. In addition, the way these leaders perceive themselves under normal … Read more

Why Storytelling is a Critical Skill in the Business World

Storytelling is a critical skill in the business world but it tends to be overlooked.  No one ever puts on a position description “Must have excellent storytelling ability”, however, if you want to capture the attention of your audience either in a meeting, presentation, or speech, you need to be able to tell a story … Read more

The Importance of Effective Engagement

Recently my alma mater changed the name of their Alumni Relations department to Alumni Engagement, which supposedly other universities are doing as well. I thought this was a good idea because engaging someone is very different from relating to someone. The major difference is that you may feel there are commonalities with you and someone … Read more

ABCs of Your Career Journey – V is for Vulnerability

It takes courage to be vulnerable especially in the workplace!  It can be very difficult and stressful to be “seen” by others when faced with challenging issues.  By exposing ourselves to others to voice our opinion, we open ourselves up to possible ridicule.  HOWEVER more importantly it can open the door to innovation and willingness … Read more

ABCs of Your Career Journey – N is for Narrative

We all have a past and with that we all have a story.  In telling our narrative to others, some highlight accomplishments while others tend to focus on inconsequential things or even possibly negative ones.  These stories do help explain who we are and how we come to certain conclusions on issues.  As we continue … Read more

ABCs of Your Career Journey – G is for Grade

When I was in school, there were certain classes I looked forward to getting my grades and others that I wished I could have had a pass/fail grade.  I was a good student but certain subjects like trigonometry were just tough.  Those tests and quizzes would come back with lots of red marks and a … Read more

B is for Bold, Brazen…Biotchy?

Teaching on a college campus, I have witnessed such amazing young women really make an impact.  They not only participate in class with interesting comments but they also handle themselves well in presentations even to very senior business leaders.  They exude a youthful exuberance coupled with the confidence that they can do anything their passions … Read more

ABC’s of Team Building – Z is for Comfort Zone

How often do you get out of your comfort zone?  For many people, getting comfortable with being uncomfortable can cause a great deal of anxiety.  However, the more you push yourself to get out of your comfort zone, the easier it becomes to do it.  The end result is being able to take on new … Read more