ABCs of Your Career Journey – V is for Vulnerability

It takes courage to be vulnerable especially in the workplace!  It can be very difficult and stressful to be “seen” by others when faced with challenging issues.  By exposing ourselves to others to voice our opinion, we open ourselves up to possible ridicule.  HOWEVER more importantly it can open the door to innovation and willingness … Read more

ABCs of Your Career Journey – U is for Unleash

How often do you completely let go?  In other words, when was the last time you just stopped running on that hamster wheel of life and took a real break from the action?  It is important to take time-outs periodically in order to have the opportunity to unleash your inner self.  This is not just … Read more

The New School Year Has Started – What Grade Are You In?

I always like September because I feel like it really is the start to the new year.  Maybe it is remembering having all new school supplies, lunchbox, clothes, etc.  I call it my “new yellow pencil mentality”.  For that reason, I always decide on a few goals that I want to achieve; a couple of … Read more

ABCs of Your Career Journey – O is for Observant

Do you want to achieve greater success in your career?  Do you question some of the assignments you take on and do they really help you get ahead?  Do you view other people and wonder what they are doing to move up the corporate ladder that maybe you should be doing? Truly successful people are … Read more

ABCs of Your Career Journey – K is for Knit

When you start to knit a sweater or scarf, you only have needles and yarn.   As each stitch is completed, rows emerge and it starts to take shape.  A career journey is very similar in that you start with yourself.  Later you add a college degree or two, other technical skills, your responsibilities, awards, etc. … Read more

ABCs of Your Career Journey – G is for Grade

When I was in school, there were certain classes I looked forward to getting my grades and others that I wished I could have had a pass/fail grade.  I was a good student but certain subjects like trigonometry were just tough.  Those tests and quizzes would come back with lots of red marks and a … Read more

ABCs of Your Career Journey – E is for Evolving

Hiring managers are not looking for same old, same old.  A candidate can be in their role for a long time, however, if they have not increased their level of responsibility and/or expanded their duties, they will not be viewed favorably.  This is not just about knowing the latest software or a new regulation or … Read more

Identifying Blind Spots

When driving a car, you have to constantly check your blind spots in order to avoid an accident especially when you are changing lanes.  Looking to the right and the left several times hopefully ensures that fellow motorists or motorcyclists are not in your path.  The ones who did get hit usually are distracted by … Read more

ABC's of Team Building – Q is for Quality and Qualified

I think most would agree that they want to work for a quality organization, alongside those who have the skills, emotional intelligence, etc. to get their jobs done well.  Unfortunately, this is not always the case.  Usually teams are put together based off of other factors including seniority, politics, and technical ability.  This causes major … Read more

ABC’s of Team Building – E is for Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EI and also known as EQ) is defined as the ability to identify, comprehend, and manage our emotions.   This is challenging for leaders who are trying to ascertain each team member’s emotional intelligence because EQ will affect one’s behaviors which in turn impacts other people on the team. It is usually easier to … Read more