Self Awareness is an Essential Element of EQ for Leaders

Before one can become a leader, it is imperative to be aware of one’s own self.  Too many leaders are not aware of how they behave and then are surprised when their interactions and relationships with others are not as fruitful as they can be. In addition, the way these leaders perceive themselves under normal … Read more

The ABC Guide to Team Success

Check out my new eBook! As a human capital and leadership development specialist, I have witnessed many organizations that have dysfunctional and sometimes toxic teams. Even companies whose teams are operating at an engaged level could still perform better with some refinements. In my new eBook, I discuss various elements that make teams effective. Each … Read more

How to Embrace the Gray Areas in Life

Do you consider yourself a black and white type person?  Do you see the world in absolutes with no gray areas?  Do you take the high road or the low road but don’t see yourself in the middle?  Do you get very uncomfortable when things are not crystal clear? It is difficult to chart a … Read more

Life is Like Making Bread

I have a confession to make.  I am not good at baking bread from scratch. I have been told I am a great cook and I can bake items like cakes and cookies, but for some reason I have trouble making breads that have yeast as one of their ingredients. When I attempt to make … Read more

What is Your Xanadu?

Xanadu represents a place of great beauty, luxury and contentment according to  How often do we feel that we are in our own Xanadu?  Your work space may not be luxurious but is it a place where you can work at your peak performance?  Is it designed for functionality but not personality?  Does it … Read more

The I Wonder Exercise

If money, time, and other things were not factors, what would be your greatest wish?  Would it be to go on an exotic vacation, buy a fancy car, or purchase a house?  The issue is if we feel things are out of our reach, we don’t even attempt to get them. Why is that?  Do … Read more

How Do You Validate the Work You Do?

When you were younger and did well on a test or a school project, you may have gotten a letter or numerical grade.  If it was really good, the teacher may have also written “good job”, “excellent”, or some other complimentary words. If your work was not as good as it could be or there … Read more

Why We All Need Our Own “Board of Directors”

According to, unity means “the state or fact of being united or combined into one, as of the parts of a whole; unification.”  I take that to mean that we can accomplish more as a unified group versus individuals doing our own thing. Who is your group, your tribe, your board of directors, your … Read more

Great Leaders Don’t Worry About Titles

I have many titles – President, Executive Recruiter, Certified Executive, Business & Career Coach, Certified Professional Resume Writer, Mom, Taxi Cab Driver, Cat Lover, etc.  How many titles do you have?  I think if I really listed all of mine I would fill up this entire blog. For me, it is rare that I ever … Read more

Why Storytelling is a Critical Skill in the Business World

Storytelling is a critical skill in the business world but it tends to be overlooked.  No one ever puts on a position description “Must have excellent storytelling ability”, however, if you want to capture the attention of your audience either in a meeting, presentation, or speech, you need to be able to tell a story … Read more