All of us have various titles including functional titles, i.e. CEO, Director, etc, but are those the only defining qualities we have? What super powers do we possess that we need to capitalize on? By focusing on our strengths (and not on our weaknesses) we can exponentially grow our businesses faster and easier. During this interactive presentation, attendees will learn how to define their super powers others see that they don’t. They will also look at the areas that need improvement, but may not be worth their time pursuing.
Beth will be presenting “The Science of Being a Super Hero” at the WEBOND Women’s Group luncheon in November.
When: Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Time: 12:00 pm
Location: East Bay Chamber of Commerce, 16 Cutler Street, Suite 102, Warren, RI 02885
Please click on the link below for more details or to register: