This weekend will mark the 21st anniversary of my first company, Carter Consultants Ltd., an executive search and research firm.  For that website, I write an article quarterly that is promoted on that front page that mostly deals with recruiting issues.

When I launched Beth Carter Enterprises, my coaching and speaking company, in June 2011, I wanted a platform where I could blog about a wide variety of topics.  My mission was to blog every Tuesday and to let others know through Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, etc.  My first blog entitled Mirror, Mirror was an introduction to all my readers about who I am, what services I provide, and what values I possess.  I received a lot of positive feedback so I felt that not only was this an attainable goal but also one that I would enjoy doing.  I continued to write and some of my family, friends, and colleagues gave me topics to discuss or they may even find themselves being written about!

Then life got in the way….

Work started to get very busy especially after the New Year and my volunteer activities with the Fairfield Chamber of Commerce, Stratford Cat Project, etc. also took up a lot of time.  Add three kids with their demanding school and activity schedules and you can see that my blogging got put off.

The new school year started today so I am trying to get back on track.  I always feel that this is really the start
of a new year instead of January 1st.  My new yellow #2 pencils are all sharpened and I am back to writing.  What I have
decided, however, is to blog when the mood suits me versus forcing myself to write every week.  I think by doing a “do
over” this way, my blogging will be fresher and hopefully my followers will suggest some ideas for me to research and write about.

So I wish you all a Happy New Year and look forward to your comments and suggestions.