Retaining Knowledge

I conduct several trainings a week besides teaching college students at two different universities. It is always interesting to me who really retains the information they are taught and who barely remembers it after they leave the room. This reminds me of when I was growing up and had to learn a lot of facts … Read more

When Can an Employee Become a Manager?

I am a foodie so I watch a lot of cooking shows.  One show is a competition amongst private chefs and those who either own a restaurant or work at one. Some of the challenges consist of the group being broken into two teams and a team leader is designated. This is extremely difficult for … Read more

Apollo 12

The Apollo 12 was the second manned spacecraft to land on the moon.  This 363-foot vehicle was launched on November 14, 1969, from the Kennedy Space Center.  Their mission was to survey the area and collect samples, conduct experiments, further develop the capability to work in the lunar environment, and obtain photographs.  There have only … Read more