THE BEST Customer Experience

I don’t care what industry your company, non-profit, government agency, etc. is in, the bottom line is that everyone needs to provide the best customer experience. Although I have blogged about values, and mission and vision statements, the sole purpose of any organization really is to give their customers/clients/partners the optimal effort necessary to make … Read more

Insecurity and Jealousy

It seems that there is an uptick in the number of employees complaining that their bosses are micromanaging more, or at least trying to be a bit more controlling than they used to be.  I used to think that it was this way because leaders’ roles are multi-faceted so trying to minimize mistakes and reduce … Read more

Silence is Golden

This phrase means that it is better to say nothing than to speak.  It was also a title of a song that was recorded by the American rock band the Four Seasons. After reading Gretchen Rubin’s book, Life in Five Senses, I feel that silence also means tuning out all the “noise” that we are … Read more

Retaining Knowledge

I conduct several trainings a week besides teaching college students at two different universities. It is always interesting to me who really retains the information they are taught and who barely remembers it after they leave the room. This reminds me of when I was growing up and had to learn a lot of facts … Read more

Busy Bees

I could say that I have not posted a blog in a couple of weeks because “I am soooo busy”. Although I have a hectic schedule now that I am teaching again, it is a lame excuse for not getting something done that I feel is an important part of my business. I feel lately … Read more

Kick Ass, Break Glass

I have seen this expression in a few places, mostly talking about breaking through the glass ceiling.  The issue is that no two people will do it the same way, so it is challenging for leaders to develop their people in order for them to be promoted. In other words, we all have our unique … Read more

Other People’s Opinions

As I have written in several past blog posts, it is important to seek feedback so that you know if you are improving in certain areas of your life, especially professionally.  Having said that, I recently saw a quote that said, “What other people think about you has nothing to do with you and everything … Read more


As a corporate trainer and an adjunct professor, one of the things I stress is applying what you learn. I tell my participants/students that if they “throw their notes up on a shelf and never look at them,” then it has been a waste of time – both theirs and mine. I then suggest that … Read more

Let It Go!

I am currently reading Jack: Straight From The Gut which is the autobiography of Jack Welch, the former CEO of General Electric.  When he became CEO, Jack had a philosophy that if any of their 40+ businesses were not #1 or #2 in that industry then they must either be “fixed, sold, or closed”. The … Read more

What is Self-Discipline?

According to, the definition of self-discipline is the ability to control one’s feelings and overcome one’s weaknesses; the ability to pursue what one thinks is right despite temptations to abandon it.  So why this is so difficult? The most common reason is that we tend to run away from the hard, and maybe even uncomfortable, things and focus on … Read more