ABCs of Your Career Journey – L is for Liberating

Some of my coaching clients gripe about developing a career strategy.  If they are conducting a full scale job search, they are even more distraught.  A few get completely overwhelmed with the process while others simply procrastinate and hope for the best.  My role is for them to see what the end result will be … Read more

ABCs of Your Career Journey – K is for Knit

When you start to knit a sweater or scarf, you only have needles and yarn.   As each stitch is completed, rows emerge and it starts to take shape.  A career journey is very similar in that you start with yourself.  Later you add a college degree or two, other technical skills, your responsibilities, awards, etc. … Read more

ABCs of Your Career Journey – J is for Journey

A journey takes time and usually some planning.  However, in our instant gratification world today we may find that this journey is taking too long and difficult so we just bail out.  This happens very often in one’s job search.  The person is very motivated at first to put in the work to find a … Read more

ABCs of Your Career Journey – H is for Habit

Habits are tricky because it can take a long time to acquire a good habit and much harder and longer usually to stop a bad habit.  Surprisingly some people have a blind spot to their habits which can frustrate coworkers, family members, and friends.  I conduct an exercise where each participant has to text someone … Read more

ABCs of Your Career Journey – G is for Grade

When I was in school, there were certain classes I looked forward to getting my grades and others that I wished I could have had a pass/fail grade.  I was a good student but certain subjects like trigonometry were just tough.  Those tests and quizzes would come back with lots of red marks and a … Read more

ABCs of Your Career Journey – F is for Fulfillment

When I was in high school, I thought I wanted to be a dermatologist.  I had a skin condition on my eye lid so my parents took me initially to my general practitioner.  When he could not recommend a solution, we then visited an eye doctor who also had no recommendations.  We finally went to … Read more

ABCs of Your Career Journey – E is for Evolving

Hiring managers are not looking for same old, same old.  A candidate can be in their role for a long time, however, if they have not increased their level of responsibility and/or expanded their duties, they will not be viewed favorably.  This is not just about knowing the latest software or a new regulation or … Read more

ABCs of Your Career Journey – D is for Dare & Doubt

Playing it safe in life is boring.  Playing it safe in your career can not only be boring but also catastrophic.  What makes life worth living is taking chances and embracing change.  This is even truer in your professional life, however, when people feel doubt and anxiety when they get out of their comfort zones. … Read more

ABCs of Your Career Journey – C is for Contribution

Some could perceive their career journey as one where they only focus on themselves and their goals.  However if you analyze highly successful people you will realize that many help to better the lives of others.  This can be accomplished in many ways from assisting in a project, report, presentation, etc., mentoring a staff member … Read more