The Importance of Effective Engagement

Recently my alma mater changed the name of their Alumni Relations department to Alumni Engagement, which supposedly other universities are doing as well. I thought this was a good idea because engaging someone is very different from relating to someone. The major difference is that you may feel there are commonalities with you and someone … Read more

ABCs of Your Career Journey – G is for Grade

When I was in school, there were certain classes I looked forward to getting my grades and others that I wished I could have had a pass/fail grade.  I was a good student but certain subjects like trigonometry were just tough.  Those tests and quizzes would come back with lots of red marks and a … Read more

ABCs of Your Career Journey – A is for Accomplishments

When I am coaching a client regarding their career or I am reviewing their resume or Linkedin, I find that most people do not fully embrace their accomplishments.  They either downplay them (oh it was not that big of a deal) or they forget to mention them at all.  The issue is that no one, … Read more

Identifying Blind Spots

When driving a car, you have to constantly check your blind spots in order to avoid an accident especially when you are changing lanes.  Looking to the right and the left several times hopefully ensures that fellow motorists or motorcyclists are not in your path.  The ones who did get hit usually are distracted by … Read more

National Ball Point Pen Day – June 10

Our new blog series will be monthly and it will be tied into one of the national holidays.  Be aware that these are not your typical holidays but ones, nevertheless, which are celebrated every year.  As an example, today is National Ball Point Pen Day. The ballpoint pen was invented in 1943 and is considered … Read more

ABC’s of Team Building – Z is for Comfort Zone

How often do you get out of your comfort zone?  For many people, getting comfortable with being uncomfortable can cause a great deal of anxiety.  However, the more you push yourself to get out of your comfort zone, the easier it becomes to do it.  The end result is being able to take on new … Read more

ABC’s of Team Building – Y is for Yearbook

I recently came across my high school yearbook, and as I was flipping through it, I noticed all of the pages devoted to the different sports and activities that my friends and I were involved in throughout the year.  Looking at all of the different activities reminded me that it wasn’t just the classes we … Read more

ABC’s of Team Building – X is for Xenial

According to several sources, xenial means being hospitable especially visiting strangers or guests.  So why is it that most of us would never think to be unkind to a stranger but we can at times be super harsh on the ones closest to us?  Not only does this apply to our family and friends but … Read more

ABC’s of Team Building – W is for Wonder

If you looked at a list of the major corporations from five years ago and now you will notice a big change.  Companies that many of us grew up with (i.e. Kraft, etc.) are gone from the list and others known as disruptors are on it (i.e. AirBnb).  How do these companies grow so quickly … Read more

ABC’s of Team Building – V is for Visualization

There have been various studies that state that if you write your goals down on paper, you have a better likelihood of achieving them.  Some even go further and suggest that if you have a picture of some sort (photo, painting, etc.) that you have an even greater chance of reaching your goals.  If that … Read more